Saturday, November 15, 2014

Pengen tau cara mendapatkan uang dari internet dengan mudah?

Jika anda ingin sukses sebagai seorang pebisnis online, kita memang harus mencari tempat belajar yang tepat dan juga seorang mentor yang sudah berpengalaman... yang mempunyai banyak bukti atas keberhasilannya.

Saya yakin anda sudah sering mendengar nama Rudy Setiawan, bukan? Ya, beliau adalah salah satu pebisnis online sukses di Indonesia, bahkan di dunia.

Dengan metode yang beliau miliki, sudah banyak para pelaku bisnis online di Indonesia sampai yang gaptek sekalipun meraih kesuksesan karena mengikuti metode yang beliau ajarkan.

Dan jika anda tertarik untuk mengikuti metode yang beliau ajarkan, berikut ini hanyalah sekelumit metode yang sudah dibuktikan oleh RIBUAN orang yang sudah lebih dulu mengikuti jejaknya...


Jika anda mengikuti semua metode yang ada dalam bisnis ini, saya yakin anda tidak akan menemukan kesulitan yang berarti.

Hal ini dikarenakan hampir semua metode yang ada dalam bisnis ini berjalan secara OTOMATIS melalui sistem yang beliau ciptakan, sehingga tidak diperlukan lagi kemampuan atau ketrampilan khusus yang seringkali membuat kita malas untuk melakukannya.

Bahkan ketika anda sedang tidur sekalipun, sistem ini akan tetap berjalan!

Kemudahan sebuah sistem dan metode yang ada dalam bisnis online memang menjadi salah satu kunci keberhasilan anda dalam menjalankannya.

bisnis online

* Memberikan Hasil Yang Maksimal

Dengan adanya metode dan sistem yang serba otomatis, tentunya hal ini akan sangat membantu anda untuk bisa meraih penghasilan tanpa batas.

Metode dan sistem yang ada dalam bisnis ini bisa anda dapatkan secara GRATIS, dan saat itu juga bisa langsung anda jalankan.

Dan dalam menjalankan bisnis ini kita biasa menganut prinsip berusaha seminimal mungkin untuk mendapatkan hasil yang semaksimal mungkin.

Banyak orang yang sudah bergabung begitu merasakan manfaat metode dan sistem tersebut, sehingga tidak sedikit dari mereka yang terus berusaha untuk mendapatkan hasil yang maksimal, bahkan sampai menjadikannya tumpuan hidup.

* Gamblang Dan Masuk Akal

Meskipun mampu memberikan hasil tanpa batas, namun semua metode dan sistem yang ada dalam bisnis ini dijelaskan dengan gamblang dan masuk akal... hal ini untuk menghindari spekulasi yang mungkin sering kita dengar mengenai bisnis online.

Semua metode dan sistem yang ada dalam peluang bisnis ini, tidak ada sedikitpun yang ditutup-tutupi... sehingga anda bisa mengetahui lebih banyak tentang metode yang ada, sistem bisnis yang dijalankan, jumlah penghasilan anda, dan masih banyak lagi yang bisa anda temukan didalamnya.

Ok, saya tertarik dengan bisnis ini... namun apa yang harus saya lakukan sekarang? Jika anda tertarik dan ingin merubah kualitas hidup anda, TEKAN disini untuk mendapatkan informasi yang selanjutnya.

Sunday, November 28, 2010



When we look at a certain object, a painting for example – we won’t be able to appreciate what’s in it, what is painted and what else goes with it  if the painting is just an inch away from our face. But if we try to take it a little further, we’ll have a clearer vision of the whole art work.

We reach a point in our life when we are ready for change and a whole bunch of information that will help us unlock our self improvement power. Until then, something can be staring us right under our nose but we don’t see it.  The only time we think of unlocking our self improvement power is when everything got worst. Take the frog principle for example –

Try placing Frog A in a pot of boiling water. What happens? He twerps! He jumps off! Why? Because he is not able to tolerate sudden change in his environment – the water’s temperature. Then try Frog B: place him in a luke warm water, then turn the gas stove on. Wait til the water reaches a certain boiling point. Frog B then thinks “Ooh… it’s a bit warm in here”.

People are like Frog B in general. Today, Anna thinks Carl hates her. Tomorrow, Patrick walks up to her and told her he hates her. Anna stays the same and doesn’t mind her what her friends says. The next day, she learned that Kim and John also abhors her. Anna doesn’t realize at once the importance and the need for self improvement until the entire community hates her.

We learn our lessons when we experience pain. We finally see the warning signs and signals when things get rough and tough. When do we realize that we need to change diets? When none of our jeans and shirts would fit us. When do we stop eating candies and chocolates? When all of our teeth has fallen off. When do we realize that we need to stop smoking? When our lungs have gone bad. When do we pray and ask for help? When we realize that we’re gonna die tomorrow.

The only time most of us ever learn about unlocking our self improvement power is when the whole world is crashing and falling apart. We think and feel this way because it is not easy to change. But change becomes more painful when we ignore it.

Change will happen, like it or hate it. At one point or another, we are all going to experience different turning points in our life – and we are all going to eventually unlock our self improvement power not because the world says so, not because our friends are nagging us, but because we realized its for our own good.

Happy people don’t just accept change, they embrace it. Now, you don’t have to feel a tremendous heat before realizing the need for self improvement.  Unlocking your self improvement power means unlocking yourself up in the cage of thought that “its just the way I am”. It is such a poor excuse for people who fear and resist change. Most of us program our minds like computers.

Jen repeatedly tells everyone that she doesn’t have the guts to be around groups of people. She heard her mom, her dad, her sister, her teacher tell the same things about her to other people. Over the years, that is what Jen believes. She believes its her story. And what happens? Every time a great crowd would troop over their house, in school, and in the community – she tends to step back, shy away and lock herself up in a room. Jen didn’t only believed in her story, she lived it.

Jen has to realize that she is not what she is in her story. Instead of having her story post around her face for everyone to remember, she has to have the spirit and show people “I am an important person and I should be treated accordingly!”

Self improvement may not be everybody’s favorite word, but if we look at things in a different point of view, we might have greater chances of enjoying the whole process instead of counting the days until we are fully improved. Three sessions in a week at the gym would result to a healthier life, reading books instead of looking at porns will shape up a more profound knowledge, going out with friends and peers will help you take a step back from work and unwind.  And just when you are enjoying the whole process of unlocking your self improvement power, you’ll realize that you’re beginning to take things light and become happy.

Creating Effective and Efficient Relationships

Creating Effective and Efficient Relationships

Relationships of all kinds are often perceived as very delicate things, that require extra effort to maintain. However, a relationship can also be something that can provide security and can also be long lasting despite many trials.

Building an effective and lasting relationships is a necessity for several reasons. For example in a group or organization, the well being of the people depends on how efficient and effective that group or organization works.

The group or organization is also dependent on how the members work well with the management.

An ineffective group or organization can really be very frustrating.  An effective group or organization can also ask so much on their members, that sometimes the members would be having no life outside the walls of the area where they work or sacrifice the other aspects of their life just to meet deadlines. For an organization or group with this kind of scenario, relationships can be stressed or suffer from breakdown.

People or other entities who depend on these groups or organization also suffer.

Society is defined as a web of relationships, which requires all parties to work and contribute their share in order to achieve  a common goal. Having a relationship that is good, where cooperation and respect are manifested, can make society work better. In this way each member works for the good of the whole and towards achieving a common goal. This can only be attained with effective and efficient relationships.

Understanding the other parties' feeling and position creates an effective and efficient relationship. The easiest method to understand what is important to another party is to ask them what they want and listen to what they have to say. When the other party realizes this, they would feel the importance given to them

Effective and efficient relationships require parties to openly express their feelings and positions on all matters pertinent on the relationship. Assuming that the other party understands our needs and give us when we need it without asking for it is not a good practice.

Respect is the key to relationship. In order to create a more effective relationship, parties should treat each other with respect.  We can show respect just by listening to the other party and by trying sincerely to understand how they function. You can also show respect to other parties by confirming that they are doing everything they can.

The opposite of respect is quick forming of judgements based on unfounded facts and prejudice.

Respect is the very foundation for a great relationship. This also means respecting yourself and respecting others.

Another key area in forming an effective relationship is to tackle differences of the other party directly. Differences between parties or people are quite interesting. For example in a conversation where each party listens to the other party, you may observe that each is having two different perspectives.

Work towards a win-win solution for both parties.

This can be done when at least one party acknowledges that the relationship is important. That party would then exert more time, effort and energy to understand the other party's needs and deal with it to get it out of the way. Should they fail, it is comforting for that party to know that they tried.

Effectively listening and no pre-judging. This is important if parties are to understand each other.

Informal discussions are conducive for parties. They bring out issues and concerns comfortably. They also feel more relaxed making them think more clearly.

Developing an atmosphere where the other party can express their feelings when they need to.

When parties fail to express whatever is on their mind or their feelings, it can get in the way of building an effective relationship.

Parties should be aware that certain things exist naturally but should be controlled in any dealings in any relationship.  Human nature is one. Some of these things found in a relationship also include a history of stereotyping or mistrust, blaming the other person or party for a strained relationship, excluding the other party's feelings when focusing on a task, no clear and defined objectives, roles and expectations of each party in a relationship is also unclear.

Relationships are important to anyone, addressing issues and problems right away is a must to further improve the relationship. As they say 'No man is an Island'.